Monday, April 25, 2011

Mortal Kombat 9

I couldn't have a blog about meat and NOT talk about to blood and guts in the new Mortal Kombat game. Thats right, this is about MK9. It would only be better if they brought back "Meat". But aside from that, its incredible. They brought back all those little games like test your luck and sight. The whole X-ray thing? LOVE IT! Nothing better than watching what happens to your victim as you rip them apart.


  1. And no pictures of the blood and guts? I haven't played this game yet, sounds pretty cool.

  2. My bands last gig was at "Metal Kombat"
    Wanky as...

  3. Haven't played the new one yet but I guess I should!

  4. Mortal Kombat is a great game, I've enjoyed playing it.

  5. I hope this one will be good, I didn't like the last one.

    Great blog btw, following (:

  6. Rather interesting blog theme you've got here, Meat Man.

  7. Lol I really like the idea of a meat blog - it was a really original idea, but I have to be honest - after a lot of reading I started getting a little bit sick to my stomach - luckily thoughts about blood and gore in mortal kombat calmed my stomach (wait, what?)

  8. MK FTW!! I hope they release a new game soon!

  9. Damn i need to buy it for the PS3 but the PSN is down right now :(

  10. Kinda wish the artwork was more realistic though.

  11. dude ive been playing this game for the last wek its SOOOOOO good. i friggin love subzero and the fatalities are so tight, nice post

  12. Cant wait to get my hands on this game!

  13. I remember playing MK back in the day! fun to have competitions!

  14. I still play the old school mortal kombat games all the time!
